Statement of Intent
The Resilient Villages Team acknowledges that we live and work on the lands of the Darug and Gundungurra People. We pay deep respect and offer our support to Elders of the past, to the Elders of the present and to those emerging leaders of the future.
Resilient Villages also acknowledges the present and emerging leaders of local community groups and organisations who are working towards disaster recovery while adapting to a climate changed world and preparing for future events.
We acknowledge that the work of community leadership and decision making takes time, patience and commitment.
Resilient Villages is committed to safe, transparent and inclusive communication and decision making processes.
We are committed as a team to listen, support and respond to the decisions made by the people who live in and are connected to their place of dwelling.
We recognise that the impacts of disaster are complex, are often time urgent while also being long term and ongoing in their effects.
Resilient Villages acknowledges that resilience is a complex and dynamic state.
Resilience can include the interplay between many factors that may include the built, natural, economic, social and personal, internal landscapes.
As a team we are committed to walking alongside community members as they find their way forward together, towards collective decisions as to what will create greater resilience for themselves and their communities.
We recognise that people will have different perspectives, experiences and world views. Resilient Villages is a neutral partner in supporting communities to navigate the complexity of different values and priorities to discover common goals and create common resources.
Resilient Villages is a trauma-informed project.
We will always endeavour to communicate respectfully, kindly and compassionately.
We understand that the impact of disasters can create individual and collective trauma responses. This can lead to heightened states of stress, which can at times affect the way we may treat ourselves and others.
Resilient Villages holds a supportive, trauma-informed, neutral position in the community-led development of Recovery Action Plans.